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Punching A Hole In The Darkness

Punching A Hole In The Darkness, UpCycled - 3D Art
Punching A Hole In The Darkness
Even a tiny flame has an awe-inspiring impact when introduced to darkness, illuminating a space, and enabling us to see what we could not see without it. For me, this image is symbolic of my personal spiritual beliefs. The idea for this piece developed through sketching, reading inspirational materials, and experimenting with media. I used cardboard, layered so that when I carved into the surface, the inner lines would change direction. The flame is a thicker acrylic skin, supported by plastic mesh food packaging and a dowel rod scrap. I also designed the stencil used on the surface of the candle.

UpCycled - 3D Art    57 x 48 x 3.5    $650.00    15.7   

Is the piece framed and wired properly?
What is the MEDIUM of the piece? (ie: acrylic, watercolor, mixed media, clay sculpture, etc.)
Mixed Media Assemblage: Acrylic Paint on Cardboard, Plastic Mesh Packaging, Scraps of Dowel rod and Laundry Line
Please list the recycled/repurposed items used in this piece
Cardboard, Plastic Mesh Packaging, Scraps of Dowel rod and Laundry Line


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