Archive Mode. Call UpCycled 2: Turning Waste into Wonder ended on 3/25/24, 11:59 PM. Call settings are read only. See Current Open Calls

To Honor My Immortal Inner Child

To Honor My Immortal Inner Child, UpCycled - 2D Art
To Honor My Immortal Inner Child
Shadow box assemblage made of my old toys and discarded plastic flowers. Painted heirloom white to convey a nostalgic reverence and present icons of my childhood as one would present sacred icons.

UpCycled - 2D Art    17 x 14 x 3    $100.00    6   

Is the piece framed and wired properly?
What is the MEDIUM of the piece? (ie: acrylic, watercolor, mixed media, clay sculpture, etc.)
Found objects and spray paint
Please list the recycled/repurposed items used in this piece
Discarded shadow box(cleaned and repainted), actual childhood toys of mine, rocks and stone from my garden, broken ceramic pillar pieces, old costume jewelry, and plastic flowers from discarded centerpieces


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