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Although The Tree of Life and copper both hold strong meanings and sybolization, I created this to sybolize my poem. The Sapling (Forsaken Nevermore)
You see me, this tree without any leaves
The leaves, my friends, have all left me
The winds that blew scared them all away
And here I stand, bare, before you today.
Feel sorry for me not; I am not alone.
My roots, my family, are stronger than the stone.
My branches are friends who have become family; the strongest remain always with me.
Seasons pass by and friends come and go. They disappear beneath the frigid, wind-driven snow. They vanish quickly through wind and rain.. yet my roots and branches, they still remain.
Though this may seem like solitude to you,
I love what the changes of seasons can do.
Each leaf is special and holds a specific memory
a lesson learned that I will never forget, you see.
As their colors change, a prelude to their fall,
My roots only become stronger and I stand tall.
I embrace my roots and my branches all the more...
As they are who I rely on as before.
The storms batter me..the winds may blow,
My roots ground me and my branches never let go.
Gratitude to the seasons for those friends who never grew to branch so strong.
Some friendships are not meant to last very long.
Throughout the good times and within the poor, my roots and branches remain lovingly all the more.